- Identification of taxpayers, issuance of tax returns and communication with taxpayers;
- The issue of tax assessments;
- Confidentiality;
- Normal audits;
- More intensive audits;
- Review and appeal;
- Criminal and administrative sanctions;
- Enforcement of taxes;
- Cross-border procedures;
- Legislation;
- Revenue practice and guidance; and
- The institutional framework for protecting taxpayers’ rights.
This report sets up freely accessible information on the effective protection of taxpayers’ rights as a step to establish a block of technically reliable information that can be used to support a constructive dialogue between taxpayers and tax authorities in such countries, as well as elsewhere in the world. This dialogue should take place in a legal context that includes the protection of rights pertaining to the values that determine good tax governance within a given legal system and should also achieve timely and effective justice in the case that something goes wrong.
2018 General Report on the Protection of Taxpayers' Rights
Escrito por Carlos E. Weffe H.Observatory on the Protection of Taxpayers' Rights | IBFD, 2019
Información adicional
- Año: 2019
- Editorial: IBFD Observatory on the Protection of Taxpayers' Rights
Lo último de Carlos E. Weffe H.
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